Friday, October 9, 2009

Why You Should Hire a DUI Lawyer

After an arrest for DUI, you may be feeling a range of emotions including being regretful, remorseful, embarrassed and scared. You are probably also worried about extensive penalties and fines, potential jail time and a criminal record. However, unlike getting a minor traffic violation, this is not one of those times where you should represent yourself in court, as the consequences are much more serious. Hopefully, reading this will help you understand why you should hire a DUI Lawyer.

The burden of proof is on the State! Before you go into court and plead guilty and accept whatever sentence is handed down, you must understand that the State (i.e., the prosecutor) has the burden to prove that you are guilty. Only an experienced DUI Lawyer will be able to objectively evaluate the evidence against you, and is knowledgeable and experienced with field sobriety tests and breathalyzers. An experienced Lawyer will be able to determine whether there were any problems with the breathalyzer device itself or with the actual performance of the breathalyzer test, thus, weakening the State’s case against you.

Additionally, a DUI Lawyer will immediately begin to gather evidence, interview witnesses and evaluate whether any pre-trial motions should be filed with the court. Furthermore, a DUI Lawyer may be able to get your fines and/or jail time reduced, which may not happen should you decide to represent yourself. Finally, a DUI Lawyer has extensive trial experience and is knowledgeable about the law, including the local law and the procedures of the particular local court. A DUI Lawyer will know exactly what evidence to present at the trial, when to present it, what testimony and cross-examination questions to ask and what questions to avoid.

Understandably, there may be hesitation about hiring a lawyer in general due to the costs associated with doing so. However, it is important to understand that you are paying for experience, expertise and the best possible results. A DUI Lawyer will represent you and zealously advocate for your rights. They understand this particular area of law better than anyone else. A DUI offense is serious and you have to deal with it as it will not go away on its own. So why not hire someone you can trust, someone that can represent you in court, and someone that can get you the best possible results. Why not hire a DUI Lawyer to represent you so that when you put this ordeal behind you, you know that your case was presented in the best possible light.



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